w e l c o m e   t o   m y   p a g e !

s c r o l l   d o w n

These hobbies are pretty much what I live for.


I do my racing virtually in:

What I play my games on
<Hover over me> I want to know more!

I was first intrigued by racing more than 10 years ago, and it has stuck ever since, in one way or another. Pushing the pace beyond the limits of both vehicle and human invokes a mixture of fear, excitement and competitiveness few other activities can replicate.

I worked and used some of the money to get me that piece of hardware shown in the picture above, to allow for more precise vehicular control and more immersive gaming experience.

Sometimes I will enter tournaments for the fun of it, and sometimes I walk away with prizes.


I do not write music (yet), because I am not yet satisfied with my compositional skills and understanding of music theory. I refuse to put out subpar work.

<Hover over me> I want to know more!

I only listen to music that:

The album linked above, At The Gates' The Red in The Sky is Ours, displays the qualities mentioned in the first point. Each song consists of seemingly haphazard transitions from one phrase to another on the first listen, however one will gradually notice that all the phrases point to the same concept, and the transitions only seem haphazard because the phrases involved cover widely varying perspectives of the same concept.